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Really nice music & cool concept! The art is fun - pretty excited to see how all the different endings will work out :-D 

hey thanks for playing :)

There are only 2 endings in this specific games, but you can check our entire collection to see all other outcomes!

(1 edit)

This is an insanely cool proof of concept, not just because you took from an excellent source but because I never thought about a grid based game where characters could be anywhere on the map and attack on the same turn like this.

I do think it's difficult to understand the enemy rules, but I do like that the enemies end up making me kill my own guys, which makes me feel really dumb.

Thanks for playing :) if you liked my game, please share it with your friends!

Also I might release a future version which lets you mouse hover on enemies to see their possible movement patterns.

It's awesome, congrats !

thanks for playing :)