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This has to be my favorite game on all of Its proof that if you make a game bad enough it wraps back around to being good again... Is what I would say if the game was bad in the first place. It has sound, a goofy little art style, depth, challenge, plot twists and a circular plot. What's there not to like?

I'm happy you enjoyed my bad game :)

Why is it tagged as iwbtg

because it's very hard


What the hell did you make me play XD  T_T ... This is way too much GM6 glitches XD. I  can't even get past the instant death hole in the 1st level

everything is working as intended :p

if you give up on playing, you can check the included playthrough video !


I watched it right after posting my comment. I am glad i didn't continue this abomination XD.  I loved that Evee has a frame with wrong transparency XD

"Recommended for you" Je dois leprendre comment adrien ?

L'algorithme a décidé que tu aimes les jeux pourris l'algorithme a toujours raison!

wonderfful gaem1!!!11!!!!!!!111!!!11

no u

this gaem is good i like that the challenge is ing controls ad and the storxyu is very good
eveeee was my favorute chrcter becase sahe had lazor vizion

i al o liked talking to god because he was relatvable


very relate

(1 edit) (+1)

I played this 3 times.

Screenshot or it didn't happen

Unfortunately i forgot to screenshot it. u_u